Daing na Dagupan Bangus

Monggo Con Pata


  • 1 pork hind or pata
  • 2 cups monggo
  • 1 medium sized ginger, pounded
  • 2 tablespoon bagoong monamon
  • 2 cups water, add more if needed
  • Ampalaya leaves
  • Patis (optional)


  1. Place pork leg in a pot and add water (enough to cover the meat). Bring to a boil, strain, and discard water from first boil.
  2. Put the Pata back into the pot and add enough water to cover it. Add  the monggo beans, the pounded ginger, and 2 tablespoon bagoong monomon. Simmer over low heat for at least 1 hour or, until pata, is tender and sauce is already thick due to the cooked monggo beans. Add water if necessary to prevent drying out. 
  3. Correct taste using patis or salt whichever you prefer.
  4. 3 minutes before turning off the fire, put the ampalaya leaves.
  5. Best served hot! Easy A? =)
